Black steel or black carbon steel is a metal alloy or a mixture of iron and carbon along with some other metals in small quantities. Generally, pure iron is soft even though we can melt it and shape it into desired shapes. The addition of carbon to pure iron can increase the strength of the metal, and most carbon steel types contain 1-2% of carbon. Typically, black steel is made during the production process of steel, where a high temperature can create a thin layer of iron that is oxidized. This oxidized iron layer is created on the outer surface of the steel. Black steel is commonly used for gas or water utility piping. This is because black steel has a low cost of production, and it can also easily be welded using simple, common methods. Typically, some long-distance piping systems use this steel which can prevent rusting quickly. Moreover, we can use black steel in climates or ground conditions that are available in changing or accelerating corrosion. However, we may sometimes need additional coatings or prevention methods.